TALK: Context and Change Making

Online, Talk Online
Nov 04, 13:00 (CET 12:00)
Watch the recording of the video


In the second of the online discussions we invite curators and culture leaders to reflect on their experience generating new contexts and shifting culture making in their local environment This conversation investigates new contexts popping up and the impacts of international community.Each speaker will be asked to prepare a 5 min presentation about their context and then engage in a round table discussion – talking about the methodologies, challenges and potentially next steps in recovery. The conversation will then open up to all the attendees to explore other examples and reflections.


Ewan McLaren – Bazaar Festival, Prague

Jurga Knyvienė – chief manager KAUNO MIESTO KAMERINIS TEATRAS / KAUNAS CITY CHAMBER THEATRE, Kaunas, Lithuania

Moderated by Bek Berger, Artistic Director, New Theatre Institute of Latvia.


